Artlioune is the young painter Alioune Diagne’s signature, Born in Senegal in 1985, he became a student of Dakar School of Fine Arts in 2008, where he passionately started to paint. A fter several colorfull exhibitions,
Arlioune travelled to France where he decided to settle down. There his artistic style
strenghtens within a pictorial movement that he has founded, the Figuro-Abstro (in between the positive and the negative, the shadow and the light, proximity and distance, the figurative image and the idea that inspires the image).
In pursuing what lies behind the painting, beyond the facade of the image, Artlioune offersthe attentive and curious viewer his own interpretation of the visible, and gives him access to the figure’s intimacy. His characters emerge and stand out in rhythmical compositions of geometric shapes enlightened by a
wide range of subtle colors carefully balanced.

Supportive artist, committed, his works convey the values he cherishes. Particularly, he pays homage to the fight against violence toward women and children. He loves to work on children’s facial expressions. By juxtaposing geometric shapes on canvas, Artlioune wants to transcribe the emotions and the journey of the person he portrays. Indeed, each small painted form is seen as a detail of the experience and personality of one’s character, their meticulous assembling giving life, little by little, to the image, to a situation, as each stage of life reveals the character and personality of a person.The slow work of graphic construction reflects the complexity of the human being in constant transformation. Inspired by calligraphy and Arabic writing,
land by Chinese ideograms, Artlioune uses an imaginary writing to tell the intimate story of every life, its own path into today’s reality – family breakdown, abuse, rape, délinquance with modesty and tenderness Exhibitions
2016 Group exhibition, gallery Pelussin (France) Group exhibition, gallery artbank Shanghai (China) Exhibition duo, gallery arte Dakar (Senegal) Group exhibition, Loman, Biennale off Dak´art (Senegal) Group exhibition, Dakar, Biennale off Dak´art (Senegal)
2015 Group exhibition, Salon Africain Art Faire, Paris (France)
2014 Group exhibition, 11ème Biennale Dak’art – dance Residency – Saint Louis (Senegal) Group exhibition « Sink or Swim » 11ème Biennale Dak’art- Villa
Spivey– Dakar (Senegal) Exhibition duo « Figuro Abstro », Gallery Rêves d’Afrique Saint Etienne (France) Exhibition solo, « Itinéraire en Couleurs », Espace
Jean Drevon, Saint-Jean de Bournay (France)
2013 Group exhibition, Xème Edition, Hall de l’entrée principale du Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel de Vienne (France) Group exhibition Collabor’Action,
gallery Loman Art, Dakar (Senegal) Pictorial impovisation, Festival International de Jazz à Vienne-Cybèle, Vienne (France) Pictorial impovisation, Concert fête de la musique, Annonay (France)
2012 Group exhibition, Festival international de Jazz à Vienne, Musée Saint Pierre, Vienne (France) Group exhibition, OEuvres Improvisation pictural, Festival international de Jazz à Vienne, Galerie Test du Bailler, Vienne (France) Pictorial impovisation, Festival international de Jazz à Vienne, Cybèle,
Vienne (France) Exhibition solo, “Itinéraire en Couleur”, Galerie Test du Bailler, Vienne (France)
2011 Group exhibition, Nuit Africaine, Isles d’Abeau (France) Group exhibition, Maison du Peuple, Lyon (France)