Ausstellungen [Auswahl]
2016 Awarded as a favorite and most popular artist of the year by AP Gallery, Vilnius Lithuania. During the year artist participated in several showcasing of artworks in Vilnius and Kaunas.
Group exhibition at M.A.D Gallery in Milan, Italy. Awarded with professional artist status by Lithuanian government.
2015 Organized international fine art Symposium “Only painting” in Lithuania (project manager).
Solo photography exhibition at Lithuania’s parliament palace.
Directing theater performance „Lion of Palanga“ for a theater group and gymnasium students from Obeliai town.
Published in the book (In)Dependant Contemporary art histories 1987-2014″ Vol II.
2014 Rimvydas was granted with funding to build and design a town square in Obeliai, Lithuania. Organized international fine art Symposium “Only painting” in Lithuania

(project manager and participant). During fallowing year, paintings created during the symposium have been exhibited several times in art galleries and public building in Lithuania and Latvia.
2011-2010 Participating in international Bianalle contemporary Graphics exhibition „IOSIF ISER“, Romania.
2007 Participated in the International Amateur Theater Festival AITA / IATA, Musan (Korea).
Participated in the International Amateur Theater Festival Theater Mont-Laurier” in Mont-Laurier, Canada.
2000 participated in the International Artists’ Symposium in Ochiepoj, Italy.2000-2006 annually organized FLUXUS poetry reading festival in conjunction with Richard Sileika “ANYS KALBES ZODZIAIS” (“THEY WILL TALK IN WORDS”) in Obeliai, Lithuania
1999 Organized project “Threshold” together with John Mekas, New York (USA) and Arunas Kulikauskas, Berlin (Germany), art exhibition in Obeliai, Lithuania.
1988 The first exhibition in the library of Siauliai city.
Born 1965 in Obeliai, Lituanie / Lithuania, he graduated 1983 from Obeliai secondary school and then 1984 graduated from Siauliai Thirteenth professional technical school (miller specialty). 2006 he received the Bachelor of Arts and a professional teacher’s qualification at Siauliai University of Arts and Technology.
Rimvydas Pupelis was one of couple artists to star, promote and influence FLUXUS-movement in Lithuania. In cooperation with world famous artists, Jonas Mekas (USA) and Jurgis Maciunas (USA) Rimvydas organized and coordinated several exhibitions and art projects in Lithuania.
His artistic achievements are included in several mandatory schooling art books. Artist’s works and interviews are many times published in numerous newspapers and magazines, TV-news and telecast.