KATIA MUNOZ “… With this sense of exile and searching I find in the material and color faith with the certain existence of a primary home In a first step the color arises from the need to fill empty inside. KATIA MUNOZ But in my experimental process I found space with silence and fought with…


PETRA SKOPALOVA „My paintings can be described as my own personal diary, with my head creating the geometry and my heart guiding my choice of color.“ PETRA SKOPALOVA An entirely self-taught painter, I worked as an investment banker before I decided to take up my brush and become an artist. My geometric abstract paintings can…


VIK KAVIRAJ RAMSURN Originate from the tropical island of Mauritius, he has been interested in drawing and painting since the age of 12. By the age of 17, works of great masters like Michelangelo, VIK KAVIRAJ RAMSURN Leonardo da Vinci, Carravagio, Rembrandt, and other painters from other art movements developed his fascination for human figures,…


PAMELA GOTANGCO A Bachelor of Arts in Communication graduate from Miriam College, Philippines, Pamela is an advocate of alternative communication through relevant artistic media. PAMELA GOTANGCO She found painting to be the most compelling. She believes in expressing her thoughts, however momentous, insignificant, or random they may be to the world, through her artwork. She…


RENATA REHOROVSKA Renata Rehorovska gained her basic art education at the legendary School of Fine Arts (LŠU) at the Štefánikova Street in Bratislava under the guidance of experienced teachers and academic painters František Jurík, RENATA REHOROVSKA František Studený, Zuzka Rusková and Karol Dobiáš. This period defined Renata´s further artistic direction. She continued her education at…


ANTONIO DE CESARE With my “Deep Painting” I’m investigating the universe of wild emotions, ancient fears, icons and myths hidden in the deepest side of our souls, painting directly connected with the subconscious, with our deeper and sometimes darker side.” ANTONIO DE CESARE When I was a child I didn’t had a good relation with…


IBO ROSTERT „Meine Bilder sind eigenwillig, was auch meinem Wesen entspricht, so dass dadurch wiedererkennbare Arbeiten in meinem eigenen Stil entstehen, die in den aktuellen Ausstellungen der letzten Jahre zum Erfolg führen.“ IBO ROSTERT Die gebürtige Berlinerin hatte immer einen besonderen Bezug zur Kunst. Doch sich richtig ernst mit der Malerei zu befassen, begann erst…


MATTHIAS BOSSHARD bout my artwork I’m exploring mobiles, instable equilibriums and the process of centering by balance. The complexity and often centrifugally perceived forces in daily life makes MATTHIAS BOSSHARD inner contemplation, orientation and centering particularly important. Paintings In the more recent pictures shown here, I am creating supposedly stable spatial structures, which evoke in…