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Klima & Kunst VII, Urs Bratschi
Farfalla Regenbogen
- Art technique: Pastaskulptur 3D Modell
- Size: 10.5 x 5.7 x 3.5 cm
- Originally signed: Yes
- With certificate: Yes
- Work is unique: Yes
Alethea Eriksson, Klima & Kunst VII
Elements – Suite 7
- Art technique: Oil and cold wax on canvas
- Size: 151 x 50 cm
- Originally signed: Yes
- With certificate: Yes
- Work is unique: Yes
Klima & Kunst VII, Urs Bratschi
Papardelle mit farbigen Blättchen
- Art technique: Photo hinter Acrylglas
- Size: 75 x 50 cm
- Originally signed: Yes
- With certificate: Yes
- Work is unique: Yes