Originate from the tropical island of Mauritius, he has been interested in drawing and painting since the age of 12. By the age of 17, works of great masters like Michelangelo,
Leonardo da Vinci, Carravagio, Rembrandt, and other painters from other art movements developed his fascination for human figures, colors, chiaroscuro and tempera.
He joined the University of Mauritius in the year 1997 and obtained his B.A. honors in Fine Arts, with a specialization in sculpture in 2001. In 2003 he decided to travel to London and seized the opportunity to visit museums (Tate gallery) and other exhibitions which helped him a lot in his research as well as the art movement in Europe and around. In 2005 he moved to France and joined the University Marc Bloch in Strasbourg for another degree in Arts, where he studied perspective and diverged himself towards landscapes, from conventional to abstract, adding perspective and human figures, creating imaginary abstract landscapes.

Vik has regularly exhibited in France, Switzerland and Germany. He also lectured at the painting workshop at Basel art Room and runs a participative workshop ” @my Studio “, based in Strasbourg.
After years of studies, and experimenting various techniques, Vik is still exploring abstract landscapes, where we can let imagination and feelings flow together in a blend colors and movement. Sometimes water flows from mountain tops, and some other time waves, shipwrecks or very tiny cities are found ending up with a harmony and balance. Perspective plays a very important role creating different worlds and themes on the same canvas, and the oil paint is applied for transparency as well as a paste for the textures and effects. His new paintings are now having more tendencies towards atmospheric and surrealism abstract landscapes for the 2016 collection.